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Social Module

SuiGame leverages the Web3 SocialFi module to attract new users to participate in our established GameFi and NFT ecosystem. It is also a medium for existing game players to broaden the boundary of their social network. We are going to build a complete social economic system and help users realize the sovereign value of personal data.

We think SocialFi is going to be the next big thing in the Web3 ecosystem. In the SuiGame platform, players can not only earn from playing games but also from a well-designed community consensus mechanism. We are going to build a next-generation value transmission and decentralized social identity network.

SuiGame Community

Users can post articles and short videos on the SuiGame community. A user’s community level represents his/her activeness, to some extent, indicating his/her contribution to the community and the platform as a whole. The higher a user’s community level, the more rewards this user will get.

SuiGame Game Guild

The SuiGame game system itself is a social network based on a well-organized blockchain game ecosystem and related resources. Users can make a profit by playing premium blockchain games developed by SuiGame. In the game guild module, more functions will be available, for example, organizing group competitions/battles between game guilds to win prizes.

SuiGame Social System

There are some core modules in our social system, including a chat room, instant messaging, and even voice translation. SuiGame has already developed a built-in tool that allows players and users to interact with each other at any time and anywhere.

SuiGame Referral System

SuiGame encourages all players to send invitations to others, and both parties will receive rewards for completing assigned tasks. The tokenomic incentive system will spontaneously coordinate the incentives between game players and developers. The system rewards players who interact with SuiGame, meanwhile encouraging them to hold tokens. Users want SuiGame to become a truly community-driven ecosystem.

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