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NFT Ecosystem

NFT Asset Aggregation

SuiGame and our users assign value to NFTs on our platform, connecting virtual space to the real world and interacting with each other. SuiGame NFT and its derivatives can be expanded to multiple scenarios, including but not limited to NFT minting, feeding, upgrading, mining, trading, auction, and loans. When compared to solely displaying and trading NFT, we are building a community-driven NFT ecosystem through SuiGame-issued NFT and games with our standard protocol.

In general, many NFT platforms will charge high fees for new NFT minting. However, we do not charge for NFT minting on the SuiGame platform, users only need to pay gas fees on the network.

NFT Minting and Feeding

The platform Avatar - Caesar minting

1. Caesar NFT is minted for free.

2. There are 6 attributes for Caesar, including Hashrate, Health Point, Intelligence, Gold, Strength and Magic. Apart from Hashrate, other stats are 0 for now and reserve for a game that is specifically designed for Caesar.

3. Stake Caesar and earn $SGT Points, these points are eligible for the SuiGame token $SGT airdrops in the future. Please note that Caesar will not participate in NFT mining without staking.

4. Feed Caesar with $Sui to get to a higher level and hashrate, each feeding costs $10

5. Users can feed Caesar once every 12 hours, and its hashrate will increase accordingly. There are 13 levels for Caesar, it can be fed a total of 108 times to get to the max level

NFT Renting

All the NFTs minted on SuiGame can be leased to borrowers in the market. Lenders can lease their NFT to borrowers at an agreed price ($SGT) for a fixed period of time.

From the perspective of lenders, leasing their NFTs can optimize their values and liquidity. They can gain profits while still holding these NFTs, not necessarily selling them. From a borrower’s perspective, instead of buying a particular NFT straightaway, they can spend less money on borrowing one and using it, for example, to play games.

It is mutually beneficial for both parties.

NFT Auction

There are several modules in SuiGame NFT Auction, including Mystery Box, Rare NFT, Creative NFT and game equipment. All users can participate in the bidding.

NFT Market

SuiGame NFT market is a decentralized NFT exchange where users can trade SuiGame-issued NFT in the market. We are aiming to build a Metaverse migration channel of blockchain, content, and community, creating a complete SuiGame NFT ecosystem.

SGT token is used to represent the value of NFT. We want to create a virtuous circle for the circulation of both SGT and SuiGame-issued NFTs.


The SuiGame DeFi module perfectly supplements our NFT ecosystem, integrating $SGT staking, liquidity mining, and NFT staking. It reinforces the financial attribute of SuiGame-issued NFT, bringing strong liquidity support to the platform.

Last updated